The Department of Health, Kinesiology and Sport Studies offers courses in Athletic Training (ATR), Health (HED), Kinesiology (KIN), Physical Education (PE), Recreation & Leisure Studies (REC), Sport Management (SPMT), four undergraduate degrees, and two graduate degrees. The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Athletic Training, Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Health Studies, Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Kinesiology, and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Sport Management are offered on the undergraduate level; the Master of Science (M.S.) in Health and Kinesiology and Master of Science (M.S.) in Sport Studies & Sport Leadership are offered at the graduate level.
The Department offers four minors (of which two are available through TSU Online), one in Health Studies, one in Kinesiology, one in Recreation and Leisure Studies, and one in Sport Management, for students pursuing undergraduate degrees in other instructional units at the University. Students may also earn Texas Teacher Certification for the state of Texas either in Health Studies or Kinesiology through the Educator Preparation Program in the College of Education in conjunction with the two undergraduate degrees offered. Members of the Department and department facilities are located in the Health and Physical Education Building with the Department Office located in Room 103.
Students who are interested in detailed information regarding the Master of Science in Health and Kinesiology or Master of Science (M.S.) in Sport Studies & Sport Leadership should consult the Graduate School Bulletin of Texas Southern University.
The primary mission of the Department of Health, Kinesiology and Sport Studies is to prepare students for entry into the workforce and for graduate study. A secondary mission is to ensure that all students matriculating through the University have an understanding of the importance of wellness and health-related fitness upon society.
Programs Offered
The Department of Health Kinesiology and Sport Studies offers courses in Athletic Training (ATR), Health (HED), Kinesiology (KIN), Recreation and Leisure Studies (RECL) and Sports Management (SPMT) with four undergraduate degrees and two graduate degree. The Bachelor of Science (B.S) in Athletic Training-Teaching and Non-teaching and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Health Studies – Teaching and Non-teaching and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Kinesiology – Teaching and Recreation and Leisure Studies are offered at the undergraduate levels. The Bachelor of Science (B.S) in Sport Management is the department’s new program offered at the undergraduate level. The Master of Science (M.S.) in Health and Kinesiology with concentrations in Health or Kinesiology and Master of Science (M.S) in Sport Studies and Sport Leadership are offered at the graduate level. The Department offers four minors, in Health Studies, Sport Management Kinesiology and in Recreation and Leisure Studies, for students pursuing undergraduate degrees in other instructional units at the University.
Students may also earn Teacher Certification for the State of Texas in either Health or Kinesiology through the Teacher Preparation Program in the College of Education in conjunction with the two undergraduate degrees offered.
The Department of Health, Kinesiology and Sport Studies offers courses in Health (HED), Human Performance (PE), Recreation and Leisure Studies (RECL) and Sport Management (SPMT) with three undergraduate degrees and one graduate degree. The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Health – Teaching and Non-teaching and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in…
More about B.S.