The College strives to enrich the cultural atmosphere of the University by providing lectures, poetry and literary readings, 讨论, 音乐会, 戏剧作品, 还有艺术展览. 重要的是, 学生 are exposed to the importance as to how education and training in the liberal arts and behavioral sciences affects them and others in the local, 国家, 世界环境. Click on the "本科 & 研究生学位" below to view.
- Bachelor of 艺术s in 英语
- Bachelor of 艺术s in 艺术s
- Bachelor of 艺术s in 剧院
- Bachelor of 艺术s in Music
- Bachelor of 艺术s in 历史
- Bachelor of 艺术s in General Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Human Service and Consumer Sciences
- Bachelor of 艺术s in 心理学
- Bachelor of 艺术s in 社会学
- Bachelor of 艺术s in Social Work
本科 Minor Degrees
- 艺术
- African American Studies
- 非洲研究
- 英语
- 法国
- 地理位置
- 历史
- 人类服务 & Consumer Sciences-Child & Family Development Minor (CFDV)
- 爵士研究(辅修)
- 博物馆学(辅修)
- 辅修音乐(一般)
- 心理学
- 社会学
- 西班牙语
- 剧院
- 视觉 & Performing 艺术s (Minor)
- 妇女研究